Growth is an essential Component and can be achieved without losing control of your business. In small businesses, your business starts and ends with your customers, but fewer owners go for growth and create value. Growth requires two things: Strategy and execution.
Most of small and growing businesses face a problem of Existence.
In this phase the main challenges are:
This phase the challenges shift to a new numbers of problems; Survival
This is where the business stands on its feet creating independent, yet stable sources of resources. In this phase another new problems arise;
Key resources
While people are general supporting their local businesses, the pandemic has created an unparalleled challenges to small business owners. Recent National Survey shows that small business have encountered 82% financial difficulties, while about 60% of small business employees expressed a negative impact on their job security.
The age of new reality. While it is not just small business that are caught by surprise, the business that are impacted the most are unfortunately small and mid-sized companies. More than 54% of small business listed Financial and e-Commerce as the key area they could use advice for.
The new reality and the age of return to Normality.
The pandemic forged small business into thriving leaders, creating a strong connections between owners and customers. Nearly a third of small business owners reported they innovated a new way of conducting a business.
With small and mid-sized businesses proximities to customers they are in an advantageous spot to bounce back and dominate the markets.
Amin Consulting Group, Inc
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